Osho was born on 11th Dec. 1931 in the house of grand maternal parents (Nana & Nani) at Kuchwada. Osho lived there joyfully with full freedom till the age of 8 Years (1931 to 1939). This village is surrounded by hills. There is a pond in front of the house and few miles away is the river Narmada. Now near the house, walking distance there is Osho Tirth Kuchwada Ashram.

There is a huge pyramid for daily meditation and meditation camps. Lodging and boarding facilities are available for many seekers. This space is very important to go into deep, total meditation. This big Pyramid meditation hall measured precisely in directions and angle. It harmonizes with beautiful vibration of Osho’s birth place, and immensely helps your meditation. Lodging and boarding facilities are available almost for 200 seekers. To maintain Osho’s birth house, we started our commune here in Kuchwada for those who search for truth and meditation.

Kuchwada, Osho’s sacred birth place still vibrates with wild and dynamic energy.

-- Swami Satyatirth Bharti

Swami Satyatirth Bharti

--The Saviour of Osho Birth home Kuchwada

Swami Satyatirth Bharti was born in 1950 at kolkata. His childhood years were spent at Ahmedabad. He was happened to meet Osho in Ahmedabad in 1969, where osho has conducted several meditation camps. He was so overwhelmed with the presence of Osho that he attended the camps and remained continuously in touch with Osho.

In 1978 he was given sannyas by Osho. He knew only two words of English 'Yes' and 'no' at that time. But through an inner encounter with Osho, he took the challenge and went Japan to spread Osho’s message to seekers. In his meditation camp, many people became disciple of Osho. He opened a meditation center with ma Gyan Patra at Tokyo. The truth that he speaks from his own experience has attracted many seekers and led them to inner growth, gradually gathered Osho’s lovers around him.

He established publishing company in Japan to spread Osho’s message for people. He created a commune in the outskirts of Tokyo where a big pyramid and 21 small pyramids are built. There are organic farms for staffs and restaurants. He opened vegetarian restaurant which became very popular for vegetarians in Japan.

Swamiji sometimes returned to India and while travelling kuchwada (M.P.) for darshan of birth home of Osho, he had inspiration to preserve the house for future generations. He purchased the house and got it preserved by Osho Sakshin Meditation Center staffs from Japan. And then he created a commune for the visitors of the world. He has constructed the Osho Tirth kuchwada which could stay 200 seekers for meditation. A big pyramid Buddha hall is the center of ashram.

He left his body on January 30, 2020. He dedicated his life to enlightening Osho and giving people the opportunity to meditate.

We all friends and disciple express our gratitude towards Swamiji for reviving the birth home of Osho. His love and blessings are always here and now with us.

Our History

May 1997

Swami Satyatirth Bharti bought Osho’s birth house through a mystical opportunity with the blessing of existence. Osho’s birth house was very age-worn, the roof was leaking, wall and floor was damaged. So Satyatirth and Japanese Osho loving sannyasins repaired and strengthen them. Satyatirth bought 11acres land where 5minutes walking from Osho’s birth house. Then made the place a commune named Osho Tirth for true seekers and meditators.

1998 - 2002

One after another, kitchen and dining hall had built. Constructed building for accommodation. Started construction of pyramid meditation hall.

December 2002

Opening of the pyramid meditation hall. Meditation camp and Celebration was held inviting the famous Indian actor and sannyasin Vinod Khanna Who was union tourism minister in India. Celebrated the beginning of ashram with many participants.


Osho Book shop was opened. There, Osho’s books, photo frames, discourse tapes are on sale.

2005 - 2019

Every year celebrate osho's birthday and many meditation camps have been held. People who love osho from all over the world visited.

September 2022

The ashram buildings were renovated one by one.

December 2022

Birthday Celebration and Meditation camp held again first post-corona.